Friday, 25 September 2015

The Canibal Warlords of Liberia - Vice
The 53 minute documentary by the magazine company Vice is about life in Liberia after the civil war in the 90s. The journalist visits a small handful of ex generals/warlords and asks them about their role in the civil war and also how they spend their life now.

For the most part, the video is filmed in Liberia, the reporter visits one of the worlds worst slums and other prominent locations during the war and a few churches. However, some of it shows the journalist back at his normal office narrating what happened there.

Shock tactics are used throughout the video to keep the viewers attention. An example of this would be where it shows old footage of a child soldier holding up a bloody, dirty human heart shouting to the reporter and those around him that he intents to eat the heart. Footage like this is used to set the tone for the rest of the video, so throughout the documentary you can't forget how barbaric some of these people were/are.

General Butt Naked, the main person interviewed in the documentary discusses the reasons behind why he got his name. During the war, he used to make his child soldiers go into combat naked, telling them that when they don't wear clothes bullets cannot harm them. This would have been after ceremoniously sacrificing an innocent child by cutting out their heart alive and feeding the pieces of the heart to the other children. They would then all drink the child's blood and consume cocaine amongst other drugs.

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