Friday 25 September 2015

Petitions about mental health and CAMHS
The Canibal Warlords of Liberia - Vice
The 53 minute documentary by the magazine company Vice is about life in Liberia after the civil war in the 90s. The journalist visits a small handful of ex generals/warlords and asks them about their role in the civil war and also how they spend their life now.

For the most part, the video is filmed in Liberia, the reporter visits one of the worlds worst slums and other prominent locations during the war and a few churches. However, some of it shows the journalist back at his normal office narrating what happened there.

Shock tactics are used throughout the video to keep the viewers attention. An example of this would be where it shows old footage of a child soldier holding up a bloody, dirty human heart shouting to the reporter and those around him that he intents to eat the heart. Footage like this is used to set the tone for the rest of the video, so throughout the documentary you can't forget how barbaric some of these people were/are.

General Butt Naked, the main person interviewed in the documentary discusses the reasons behind why he got his name. During the war, he used to make his child soldiers go into combat naked, telling them that when they don't wear clothes bullets cannot harm them. This would have been after ceremoniously sacrificing an innocent child by cutting out their heart alive and feeding the pieces of the heart to the other children. They would then all drink the child's blood and consume cocaine amongst other drugs.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Jon Snow Interviewing Vitaly Milonov (super homophobe)

Interviewer: Jon Snow

Context: Channel 4 interview on prolific Russian Homophobe Vitaly Milonov

Purpose: Demonstrate to the British Public how homophobic Vitaly is.

Question Types: Closed questions. Persisting the interviewer stays on topic.

Structure: No developmental questions, gets straight to the point. Jon Snow is purposefully wearing a rainbow tie as a blatant way to antagonise Vitaly. No confidence building, for obvious reasons.

Communication Skills: Very blunt, no attempt at building a rapport between himself and the interviewee.

Krishnan Guru-Murthy Interviews Richard Ayoade (comedian/actor/author and other stuff)

Interviewer: Krishnan Guru-Murthy

Context: The interviewee, Richard Ayoade is brought on the show to promote his new book.

Purpose: Promoting/Not promoting Richard Ayoade's book.

Question Types: Krishnan asked closed questions with the hopes of getting in depth answers. An example of this would be

Structure: Developmental questions were asked.

Communication Skills: Krishnan clearly lacked communication skills in this interview as he consistently failed to attain real answers to his questions. Richard, throughout the interview, gave facetious answers to every question he was asked by Krishnan leading him to reply with "I get that. But give me something in return…" in an attempt to get at least some valuable information from Richard.

In Depth Analysis

Jon Snow interviewed prolific Russian Homophobe Vitaly Milonov for channel 4. The intent of this video was to demonstrate how homophobic Vitaly is. An example of this was getting him to admit that he believed homosexuality and pedophilia go hand in hand. He asked closed, blunt questions to get precise answers from Vitaly without him having an opportunity to preach hate to the audience watching. Jon didn't ask developmental questions to make Vitaly feel at ease because of the nature of the interview. If Jon appeared to be soft on Vitaly there would be a chance that there would be a large amount of backlash from the interview including complaints to Ofcom. Jon tried to antagonise Vitaly by wearing a rainbow striped tie as rainbows are associated with the LGBT flag and LGBT pride/support. This made it obvious from the beginning of the video that he had no intentions of forming a rapport with Vitaly.

Friday 18 September 2015


  • to bring about local, national and global change
  • to change attitudes
  • to raise awareness
  • to create access to media production for non-traditional groups
  • to challenge dominant representations and agendas
  • to create or strengthen community ties
  • to provide information
  • to campaign (work in an organised environment and active way towards a goal)
  • to change voting behaviour
  • to infiltrate mainstream media
  • to build relationships with subjects
Clip 1- Homelessness
  1. Which of the list of purposes apply? Changing attitudes, bringing about national change, infiltrating mainstream media and raising awareness are the purposes that apply to this video. 
  2. What is this media form trying to tell us/make us do? let us know about the causes of homelessness and how they are helping to change the lives of those effected by it.
  3. What emotional techniques do you think they have used and why? Upbeat music is used to encourage positive thinking and real life stories from homeless people on how they ended up in that situation is sued to encourage empathy. They also use somewhat inspirational quotes by various people to help incite hope.
Clip 2- Food for Thought
  1. Which of the list of purposes apply? Brining about local change, changing attitudes, challenging dominant agendas and campaigning are purposes that apply to this video.
  2. What is this media form trying to tell us/make us do? The purpose of this video was to encourage local and national change by challenging the social norms where big companies take away the sense of community in small towns through greed.
  3. What emotional techniques do you think they have used and why? Soft music in the background was very solum. it created a dark tone to pull on the viewers heartstrings.
Clip 3- The controller
  1. Which of the list of purposes apply? Raising awareness is what I believe this video is about although I'm not entirely sure.
  2. What is this media form trying to tell us/make us do? Its trying to raise awareness to abuse both physical and verbal at school and at home.
  3. What emotional techniques do you think they have used and why? Sad music is played to incite emotion. Having the boy sobbing on the floor after abuse from his father and school bullied in public was used to encourage pity.
    KONY 2012

    I remember back in 2012 when my entire school started talking about Kony. I first heard about it from my form tutor one morning when she asked the class if we had seen the video being shared on Facebook. Initially I didn’t watch the video for a while as I just ignorantly brushed it off as an extra bit of homework, which I wasn’t particularly interested in doing. It wasn’t until I started overhearing conversations in class about the video, and my friends starting to tell me about little bits of facts they had heard through watching the video or word of mouth that I decided to watch it. I wanted to know why everyone felt so strongly about what was happening in Uganda in comparison to everything else happening in the world.

    I was aware for a while that there was trouble in Uganda but I never really paid much attention to it. Watching the news every other weekday began to take away the shock factor when it came to finding out about horrific crimes across the world as it happens so often, I became desensitised. This is why I was so thrown off when I watched the video. I was expecting it to be like just any other news report, where its mostly just facts being released and lacking any real emotional content.

    Jason Russell’s 30 minute documentary was very effective at encouraging me to feel some empathy towards the civilians living in Uganda. I believe one of the main reasons I felt so moved by it was the fact that Jason constantly spoke about how we could get involved and help the situation. When Jason discuses the impact social media can have on western politics it made me feel empowered. When I discussed this with my friends at school we all agreed this was something we all felt whilst watching it. It’s what encouraged us to share the video. We believed sharing the video online would help let more and more people know about what was happening and encourage more people to take action. Being around 14/15 at the time the video released a lot of my peers, including myself felt like we had no influence in the world as we were still children unable to do things such as vote.